
  • Feedback of the month

    "The Transformational Leadership Journey was the final piece of the puzzle and the necessary ‘kick in the arse’ for my professional readjustment. And I am very happy that this has now happened and succeeded. Thank you! Highly recommended for anyone who not only wants to build castles in the air, but also wants to get them down on the ground."

    Robert Six

  • Organisation & Management Development

    Turning your talents into results.

  • “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

    M. Gandhi

  • “Turning your talents into results!”

    Kleestorfer Consulting works process- and solution-oriented and supports clarity, trust and appreciation among team members.

  • “Internationality is our passion!”

    Kleestorfer Consulting relies on a global network of experts from different fields and industries.


Joy as a booster for success!

Kleestorfer Consulting is an Austrian enterprise which was founded by Dr. Erika Kleestorfer in 2004. From the outset the company focused on international, intercultural and interdisciplinary projects in major enterprises worldwide. We have always strived to support executives & senior managers, their teams and thereby the entire organisation to uncover collective intelligence, experience and wisdom to then be incorporated (more) consciously in the enterprise.    

Kleestorfer Consulting is well-established in an international network: "The cooperations  in my widely spread network are a guarantee for ensuring optimal solutions for the problems and needs of each and every customer."  (Dr. Erika Kleestorfer)


  • About us

    Appreciation, respect and tolerance for the uniqueness of each person!

  • Good to know

    Live your potential. Kleestorfer Consulting highlighted by Media Works, California.

Global Network

  • U.S.A.

    Duke Corporate Education

    Duke Corporate Education

    Voted as number 1 provider of business & leadership education by The Financial Times and Business Week.
  • France

    Ghislaine Caulat

    Ghislaine Caulat


  • U.S.A.

    J’Lein Liese

    J’Lein Liese

  • United Kingdom

    Oxford Leadership

    Oxford Leadership

    Transforming Business for Good by Aligning People with Strategy

  • Düsseldorf

    Pascale Grün

    Pascale Grün


  • U.S.A.

    Patricia Harmon & Associates

    Patricia Harmon & Associates

    A global provider of leadership development consulting, executive coaching and custom corporate education

  • U.S.A.

    Pedro Langre

    Pedro Langre


  • Germany



    Dipl.Kfm. Marcel Szenessy
    Consulting, Training, Coaching
