
“Collect moments, not things!”


Podcast - Alles Liebe, Erika - Leadership starts with(in) you!

 „Alles Liebe, Erika und Eva - Leadership starts with(in) YOU!“ is a
leadership podcast by Erika Maria Kleestorfer. The entrepreneur, university lecturer and executive coach sees in her daily practice of consulting, coaching, teaching and training how important it is to see development holistically. She is convinced that effective leadership starts with ourselves, our mindset, attitude and person - not with others. Strength-oriented, out of abundance, with a lot of love for what she does and for people, she invites, encourages and gives impulses for more clarity, awareness, courage and options for action. And thus to more joy and success in daily leadership and self-leadership. Because: Leadership starts with(in) you!

Click here for the podcast!
Erikas podcast is  currently only available in German however there will be episodes with english speaking guests.

For each episode we offer you further exercises to explore, reflect or work on your topics.

Click the link below for the worksheet:

#1 Let's get it started
# 2 Depressionen entschlüsseln und Zukunft gestalten!
# 3 Failure is not an option
# 4 Goethe, Führung & Gerechtigkeit
# 5 Coaching to improve performance! Das “GROW-Modell” (John Whitmore)
# 6 Das Lebensrad
# 7 Wie gelingen schöne Organisationen? Article Unternehmenssteuerung, Lothar Wenzl
#8 Kommunikation als Teamentwicklungs-Tool
# 9 Mitarbeiterbindung

# 10 Leadership above average!
# 11 Drama, Baby?
# 12 Let's talk Tacheles
# 13 Let silence take you to the core of life
# 14 Was braucht es für Transformation?
# 15 Vision. It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing
# 16 Erika im Gespräch mit Prof. Roland Falb
# 17 The conversation is the relationship
# 18 Systemische Fragetechniken
# 20 Stop telling bullshit!
# 21 Erwartungshaltung & Innere Einstellung
# 22 Wir sind alle am Weg
# 23 Management und Leadership
# 24 Sommer-Update
# 25 Von einer Top HR Position in die Nächste
# 26 Leader:in des Monats - Juli 2023
# 27 Schöne Organisationen 2 mit Lothar Wenzl
# 28 Wenn New Work auf No Work trifft
# 29 Ich geh' jetzt leben. Kommst du mit?
# 30 Leader:in des Monats - August 2023
# 31 Von der Hilflosigkeit in die Wirksamkeit - im Gespräch mit Mag. Nora Hlous
# 32 Es wird gefeiert! 19 Jahre Kleestorfer Consulting
# 33 Move your voice! im Gespräch mit Monika Ballwein
# 34 Erika im Gespräch mit Mag. Philipp Maderthaner
# 35 Whispered Wisdom Journey, in Kenia, Afrika
# 36 Verdrehte Rollen Erika & Nora Hlous
# 37 Reset your Health! Erika im Gespräch mit Manuel Bohn und Patrick Ehrenberger
#38 ALE LE Erfolgreiche Kommunikation braucht Bilderabgleich
#39 LE - Wie kann ich MA:innen lange halten?
# 40 With great power comes great responsibility - Erika im Gespräch mit Mag. Thomas Stadlhofer, CEO Frauenthal Handel Gruppe
#41 LE - Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand. Warum Selbstmanagement so wichtig ist!
#41 Artikel zur Folge von Robert Steven Kaplan - Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand
#42 Weiterbildung, Baby! Erika & der Tomorrowmind Kongress
#43 Eine Possibilistin, die Großes bewirkt. Erika im Gespräch mit Mag. Sonja Aboulez
#52 Fundament als Führungskraft




Podcast - Alles Liebe, Erika und Eva - Leadership starts with(in) YOU!

„Alles Liebe, Erika und Eva - Leadership starts with(in) YOU!“ is a podcast by the consultants and coaches Dr. Erika Maria Kleestorfer and Eva-Maria Prokop, M.A. The two entrepreneurs see in their daily practice of coaching, consulting, teaching and training how important it is to see development holistically. They are convinced that effective leadership starts with ourselves, with our mindset, our attitude, our person - not with others. Strength-oriented, out of abundance, with a lot of love for what they do and for people, they give impulses for more clarity, awareness, courage and options for action. And thus to more joy and success in daily leadership and self-leadership. Because: Leadership starts with(in) YOU!

Click here for the podcast!

Please find here further information to Eva-Maria Prokop:


Erika as a guest on the PresenceNest podcast

Dr. Erika Maria Kleestorfer is a guest on the PresenceNest podcast on the topic of inspirational leadership. Leadership that promotes creativity, that needs healthy curiosity, that acknowledges emotions and understands people as a 'whole-body intervention' that can reach their highest potential with ease and joy by using body, mind and soul. Find out more in the interview.

Click here to go directly to the podcast.

Erika as a guest at Podcast "Döbling G'spritzt"

Episode 21 / Love from Döbling into the world.

Dr. Erika Maria Kleestorfer as a guest of Nicole Reif.
They talk about the issues of our time / about our values, our fears and how we can find more joy and ease. Where do our abilities and talents lie, but also our responsibility?
The topic of love is also not to be missed. How do we bring love and peace into the world from Döbling? What does this have to do with self-love and what does love have to do with clarity.
This conversation shows us at least a few of 256 shades of grey that lie between black-and-white thinking.

Click here to go directly to the podcast.

Leadership Wisdom & Insights - Executives in conversation with Dr. Erika Maria Kleestorfer

Ms. Mag. Petra Draxl (Regional Managing Director of the Vienna Employment Service), interviewed by Dr. Erika Maria Kleestorfer, allows us in this conversation insights into how leadership is shaped in times of Corona.

Questions such as:

* How can other managers take their employees along with them during this time?

* How can I be mindful of myself?

* How can the employees be brought back into the work process?

* What should you be prepared for by the end of the year?

* According to the motto: Every crisis is also an opportunity, what opportunity has arisen from this crisis so far?

We would like to thank Ms. Mag. Draxl for this interview.

Unfortunately, there were some audio dropouts and disruptions during the connection, but the content is important to us and we do not want to withhold it from you.

We hope you enjoy it!

Join the Facebook group

Rotzfrech & liebevoll führen
Inner & outer Leadership

In this closed group I share my experiences of how to turn loss & deficiency into inner abundance and outer success. How inner peace can also be added to external success. How inner leadership influences everything else on the outside.

If you want to work even more intensively or personally with me, please send me a pn on Facebook or an e-mail to

I'm looking forward to meeting you!

Join the group on Facebook:
Rotzfrech & liebevoll führen. Inner & outer Leadership.

Lead yourself with love & kindness!

Podcast: Women & Career

Gabi Pollinger (, women / career expert asked me about my international career. It was a great pleasure for me to encourage other women and future managers. Have fun!

Click here for the podcast.

Purpose panel with Eve Simon & Oxford colleagues
